Membership in the Company is open to indiviuals and families who have demonstrated a keen interest in some phase of military history. There are no requirements concerning sex, race, color, nationality, ethnic background, prior military servie or political affiliation. The main qualification is a strong desire to share one's knowledge and expertise.
Membership is inclusive of both professionals and amateurs in the field of American military history. On the rolls are not only historians, artists, writers, curators, librarians, teachers, and researchers, but people from virtually every walk of life. Among members are serious collectors of all sorts of militaria: uniforms, accouterments, weapons, equipage, military miniatures, and ephemera, to name just a few.
Below are the different membership categories and subscription options. Ultimately you will be turned over to PayPal, our collection agent, and have the option of paying via credit card or in a foreign curency. Your personal information will be collected on the PayPal screens. Because postal rates to locations outside the United States exceed those of US rates, we have a dual rate structure to recapture the overseas postage from our overseas members.
Individual Membership
MUIA Plate 829
Individual membership can be in one of four categories, individual, family, student or life membership.
Members receive, free of charge and financed by dues, a quarterly publication, Military Collector & Historian (the Company Journal). To view some sample articles, click here. The Journal is professional in content and is profusely illustrated. Its richly annotated articles cover such subjects as weapons, accouterments, uniforms, matérial, and colors and standards. They also include information on military organization, unit history, military art and artists, and the activities of the Company and its members. |
Individual US Membership |
Individual Overseas Membership |
Other Membership
Types |
You may download a paper application form here and mail it to the Company |
A subscription to the MUIA Series of Plates can be added to any membership type
Institutional Subscriptions (US and Overseas)
Institutional subscriptions to the Company publications are available to organizations such as business firms, government agencies, learning centers, libraries, military units, and museums are invited to subscribe. No subscriptions are offered through any commercial agency. For more information ontact the Company Administraton.