West Point Chapter to Host 2020 Annual Meeting of the Company
In 2020, the West Point Chapter of the Company of Military Historians will host the Annual Meeting of the Company. The annual meeting usually attracts a hundred members of the company from around the world. Current plans for the meeting are to focus on a "Ten Crucial Days of the Revolution" theme, and to hold the meeting at a conference facility in the Trenton / Princeton / East Windsor area. The agenda will include a welcome reception on Thursday evening, a Friday field trip to the Old Barracks Museum and other sites related to our theme, a series of lectures on Saturday, and a formal banquet on Saturday evening. We hope to attract members to come early and stay late with 'extra day' field trips on Thursday and Sunday that will include a visit to the IMA warehouse and to a shooting range, and a trip to the National Guard Militia Museum of New Jersey, in Sea Girt, and the Museum of the American Revolution in Philadelphia.
Meeting Chairman Juanita Leisch Jensen welcomes advice and input, and is looking for volunteers interested in helping to shape this exciting event.
2020 Dues are Due
Treasurer Chuck Quinn announces to all members that Chapter Dues for 2019 are due immediately. The fee is nominal and helps cover cost of refreshments and administrative costs. Chuck can be contacted at the next Chapter meeting or by mail at the address on the index page of this website.
Chuck also reminds all members that they must belong to the parent organization in order to belong to the Chapter.
"Enoch Crosby, Revolutionary War Spy"
by Libby Baker
7:30 PM, Tuesday April 9, 2019
Main Lobby - West Point Museum
Highland Falls, NY
Chapter Officers from 2018 Re-Elected for 2019
Chairman Vice-Chair Secretary Treasurer
Joe Letterese Joe Ryan Paul Martin Chuck Quinn
Former Member and Friend Jim Kralik
The West Point Chapter is sad to report the passing of former Capter member and old friend Sheriff James F. Kralik. Jim was very important to the Chapter as he provided a much needed meeting place at the Rockland County Sheriff's Office, while West Point Museum was transitioning from Thayer Hall to its current location.
Chapter Now on Facebook!
Thanks to the efforts of Chapter Secretary, Paul Martin, the West Point Chapter now has a presence on Facebook. Just click on the "Find Us on Facebook" white button found throught this site and you will be linked directly.
On Facebook you will find the most current information about what the Chapter is doing, recent speakers, upcoming events, schedule changes, other area events of historical interest, and loads of pictures and comments.
Weaver Discusses Gansevoort Regimental Coat
Original West Point Chapter member, Phil Weaver, presented his findings regarding the regimental coat worn by Col. Peter Gansevoort during the American Revolution, at the May 2017 meeting of the Chapter. This was a light and breezy, image heavy, relaxed discussion of the man's personal story as well as details of the coat itself, which is now on exhibit at the National Museum of American History in Washington, DC. Using period documentation, photographs of a few of the remaining extant garments, pattern elements, and period portraiture, Phil demonstrated the coat is actually indicative of one of several styles worn during the period and not the odd-ball many experts believed it was.
On Tuesday April 11, 2017, Ronny Ymbras, B co 1/502, 101st ABN, RVN 67-68 presented a program about his coffee table book Fallen, Never Forgotten: Vietnam Veteran Memorials in the USA. Written as a tribute to all Vietnam veterans and a guide to Vietnam veteran memorials throughout the USA, this book presents information about over 50 memorials with professional photographs. It also contains the names of those who made the ultimate sacrifice from each state. Mr. Ymbras and his son, Matt, described his personal story as well as those of some selected examples of unique memorials they have visited thru ought the United States.
Ronny Ymbras & Chapter Treasurer, Paul Martin
Photos courtesy of Paul Martin
Meetings Switched to the 2nd Tuesday of Month as of May 2013
President Joe Letterse advises that for the remainder of the 2013 calendar,and beyond"...the dates of our meetings have officially been changed to the Tuesdays following our regular meeting dates." This is due to changes at the West Point Museum brought about by the Federal Government Sequester.
Chapter Wins Chapter Display Contest at 2010 Annual Meeting in Reston, VA
The Best Chapter Display Award present to the West Point Chapter
CMH Annual Meeting in Reston, VA, 2010
Photos by Joe Letterese
Chapter Asked to Help at 2009 Albany Annual Meeting
Members of the Chapter are asked to not only attend, but to also assist at the Annual membership meeting/convention of its parent organization in April of 2009. Chapter members can assist with registration, bus captains, etc. Contact Phil Weaver if you are interested.
Also, please check out this preliminary flyer that will appear in the next issue of Military Collector and Historian:
The West Point Chapter is sad to report the passing of former chairman Larry O'Boyle.
Michele Figliomeni Resigns as Chapter Secretary
Long serving Chapter Secretary Michele Figliomeni resigned, effective July 2008, because of other commitments. Chris DiPasquale took over for a short time until a new, more active, candidate, Paul Martin, stepped forward.
James Robbins Speaks on West Point Goats
Author James Robbins will made a special appearance at the September 2007 Chapter meeting to talk about his book Last in Their Class: The Goats of West Point. Attendees had a special treat hearing this natuinally renown author present his subject at the site of so much of his research. Information on the book can be found at Encounter Books and read an interview with Mr. Robbins in National Review.
Former Chapter Chairmen, Ken Rose and Phil Weaver, FCMH,
visit the USS Monitor Center at the Mariners Museum in Newport News, VA,
as part of a bonus tour following the CMH Annual Meeting in Willaimsburg, 2007
Photo by CMH Vice President of Administration, Alex de Quesada
News from 2007 Annual Meeting in Williamsburg, VA
Juanita Leisch-Jensen was designated by the Board of Governors as "Fellow of the Company" in recognition and reward for her service to the Company. Junita is the 15th member of the West Point Chapter to have achieved this honor.
Chairman Larry Maxwell wins free Life membership in the Company via a drawing of all members who recruited new members since the previous annual meeting.
The annual Company meeting in Albany, NY, originally scheduled for Spring 2010, has been moved up one year to 2009. Since the Albany Chapter is all but non-existant, West Point Chapter members will be asked to assit and support the meeting in as large numbers as possible. Vice-Chairman Phil Weaver has volunteered to serve as liason.
At the Chapters' meeting, attedees were advised of the importance of paying dues on time as costs are significant to track-down late-payers. Also, the Company Journal, Military Collector & Historian has been expanded from 48 to 78 pages per issue.
Chapter Meeting Notices To Now Be Sent Via E-Mail
Secretary Michele Figliomeni announced to all members at the May 14th meeting, and in the last mailing, that individual meeting notices that have been previously sent by first class mail will now only be sent via e-mail. This is an atttempt to save money and reduce workload. So, please be sure Michele has your current e-mail address and remember to inform her of any future changes.
New Website Debuts
As of July 17, 2006, this website has been updated with a more ornate design that will prove easier to navigate through than the old one. Also, the new design has incorporated many of the colors used in the Chapter's patch.
Les Jensen Speaks at Special July Meeting
Chapter member and President of The Company of Military Historians, Leslie D. Jensen, spoke at the July 12th Meeting of the Chapter. Les, initially offered to the members in attendance information on the status of the Company as a whole, its focus on recruiting new members, and some of its future plans. He offered praise to the organizers of last year's annual meeting in Los Angeles, as well as the date of the next one in April 19-21, 2007.
Les then presented suggestions and recommendations on how to care for and preserve one's collection of militaria, which was basically to leave it alone. Attempting to coat, oil, shine, buff, or clean any original artifact, especially leather, will only lead to more damage. He did advise maintaining a good temperature and humidity level and keeping the item out of the light and dust as much as possible. Les also strongly encouraged the members that any collection should be well documented and appraised. This is particularly important for any family members you might leave behind that could be taken advantage of by unscrupulous characters.
Former British Council Speaks on British Perspective
Former British Council, Ray Ramond presented his views to the membership on British Perspective on the American Revolution. A self-described, "recovering diplomat," Mr. Ramond dealt with two basic questions: How and why the Trans-Atlantic community came to violent separation, and could Britain win the war militarily, if at all.
After his remarks, Ramond answered a battery of questions from the well-informed audience. All we pleased and delight by the entertaining program and were quite happy to welcome the speaker, who now resides in America, into the ranks of The CMH.
Joe Ryan Attends Historic Flag Auction
Chapter founder and Fellow Joe Ryan attended the June 8, 2006 Sotheby's auction of the four Revolutionary War Colours captured by Col. Banastre Tarleton's British Legion. The lot totaled $17.39 million.
Joe, in his recreated 5th New York uniform, is pictured next to the flag carried by the 2nd Continental Light Dragoons at Pound Ridge, NY, in 1779. (Photo courtesy of Len Pomerantz)
Author Barnet Schecter speaks at West Point Chapter
Author of Battle for New York and the newly published Devil's Own: The Civil War Draft Riots and the Fight to Reconstruct America, Mr. Barnet Schecter, presented the membership with an engaging account of the ethnic, racial, and political turmoil that lead up to the Civil War draft riots in New York City. The author privided a number of handouts including contemporary political cartoons, illustrations, and portraiture of the parties involved.
Mr. Schecter has been recently seen on the new series on the American Revolution on the History Channel and regularly gives presentations in and around New York City.
Jensen New President
Chapter member and Company Fellow Leslie D. Jensen has been named the new President of The Company of Military Historians. Les, who was elected "Fellow of the Company" in 1990, is a member of the Board of Governors, and recently served as Vice President for Publications. He will replace outgoing President William K. Emerson.
Former Chapter Chairman, Len Pomerantz, FCMH,
and his presentation on the "Evolution of Shoulder Weapons"
West Point Chapter Meeting at the West Point Museum
Monday Evening, November 14, 2005
Photo by Mark Wikane
McAfee Speaks at Inaugural 2006 Meeting
Chapter Founder and Company Fellow Mike McAfee made a presentation of Civil War flags at the first meeting of the Chapter for 2006. In it, he discussed the different flags and their uses on the battlefield. Mike took questions from the membership and covered in great detail preservation efforts and the eventual long term disintegration of these flags.
The highlight of the evening was when Mike opened up the door to a small gallery where he and fellow West Point museum staffer Paul Ackermann had, earlier in the day, graciously displayed for the members pleasure a regimental color of the 2nd US Artillery, a generic US Cavalry guidon, Gen. George Thomas' Department of the Cumberland flag, and flag of the 1st US Dragoons (ca. 1855).
New Chapter Flyer Debuts
Chairman Larry Maxwell distributed samples of a new B&W 3-fold recruiting flyer for the West Point Chapter. The flyer incorporates some ideas from pervious versions, other Chapter literature, material from the parent organization, and some fresh design ideas. It was very well received and is expected to upgrade and simplify the literate being handed out to perspective members. The flyer was developed by Chapter Web-Master and Vice-Chairman Phil Weaver.
Special Scheduling Announcement
At the December 12, 2005, meeting, the members of the West Point Chapter voted to reschedule this February's meeting in July (or some other time during the summer). This will be an experiment for one year to take advantage of better weather and longer daylight hours. The membership realized there would be risk going against everyone's summer plans, but since bad weather cancelled a winter meeting each of the last two years, the odds seemed worth trying. Details of the 2006 meeting schedule may be found on the index page of this site.