Military Collector & Historian Index
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© 2003& 2005 John K. Robertson and Louraine I. Robertson, editors/compilers.
Inter-Library Loan (ILL): Today, most Libraries belong to regional associations that allow them to borrow materisl from the collection of another library. Ten years ago, the holding library would ship the book and the user would be asked to pay for postage. Today it is easier for the holding library to make a xerographic copy and ship that to the requesting library. The user is usually asked to pay for copying and postage. Check with your local public library for ILL rules. Most libraries are not equipped to make copies of the color plates.
Post to the Want List or CMH Forum: Many members of the Company have a collection of back issues, and are willing to make an occassional copy for someone in need. Members can post on the Wanted Posting Area (requires your userid and password); non-members can post to the CMH Forum.
Check availability on the back issues list: The Company has some back issues available for sale. A list of these issues is available here. Some colored plates (with accompanying text) are also available.
- A Library: Most libraries have copying equipment nowadays. The trick is to find a library that has MC&H or the Plates. The linked list of libraries who hold subscriptions from the Company has links to the library web page. Before you travel a distance to a library, check their hours and holdings. Many libraries have partial runs of the journal. Some are missing the early years as originals, but hold xerographic copies made by UMI. Some, because of space constraints, only hold recent issues in original form and hold back issues on microfilm. Many have bound the individual issues into volumes of two years time span; these are hard to get good copies from, if copying from the bound volume is allowed. Library List
Military Uniforms in America: The four-volume set of books produced by the Company in the 1970s and 80s, contains 252 color reproductions of selected plates. Eric Manders' listing of the full plate series in publication order, marks those that appear in the MUIA books. There are also table of contents listings for each of the four volumes.
Other Respositories: We have created a second list of institutions that hold subscriptions. These institutions are to the public, BUT they may require an appointment, or require a fee to use their collection. Some are on military bases and may have the requirement for a security check. Restricted Access List
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