Military Collector & Historian Index
OnLine Search
© 2003--2007 John K. Robertson and Louraine I. Robertson, editors/compilers.
These search scripts use a MySQL database located on The Company server. The database contains entries for each signed article, Military Uniforms In America (MUIA) plate, book review and letter to the editor in volumes 1-55. Company news items and announcements, the unsigned reviews in the Publications section, and the series of articles published under the heading "Keeping Tradition Alive" have not been included. Each article has had keywords associated with it to improve searching. Issue contents will be added as they are published.
If your searches don't pick up items you expect, please let us know what search terms you were using and which articles didn't get selected, so we can improve the database. Contact Us Information on how indexing was accomplished, including information which might improve your searches, is available here.
The following searches have been programmed:
Search By: Yields: Author or Artist Name A list of citations for the MC&H works by that individual Search Volume and Issue Number A Table of Contents for the Issue Search Keywords in the Title / Keywords fields A list of citations for articles meeting the search citeria Search ArticleID or Plate Number All database items for that item Search "Now that I have the results, where can I find the journal and plates?" Finding complete runs of Military Collector & Historian to use for research can be a problem. Finding the colored plates is even harder. We provide a guide to libraries with holdings and other means of getting copies here.
Acknowledgements: This work has benefited from Maria Todd's index of volumes 1-15, and Ted Ballard's cumulative index through volume 42. Shep Paine, Dave Sullivan, Bob McDonald, Jim Ronan and Linnea Bass have provided comments, helpful suggestions, etc., many of which are incorporated. Fred Gaede has worked with us to test and improve the search coding. René Chartrand has graciously helped correct missing and incorrect international characters in the journal citations.
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