About The Annual General Meetings
A general meeting is held annually, usually over a spring weekend that includes seminars, discussion groups, exhibits, tours of historic sites, a flea market, a business meeting, a dinner, and appropriate entertainment. Regional meetings are held regularly in those areas that have local chapters.
The annual meetings are held in a different location of military interest each year, so that attendees can visit museums and historic sites in that area, and to allow members whose travel range is limited an opportunity to participate in a national event. Recent meetings have been held in Providence, RI; St. Louis, MO; Leesburg, VA; Mobile, AL., Williamsburg, VA., Albany, NY.
Because so many of our members are museum directors and curators, the annual meetings often offer a rare chance to visit a museum behind the scenes, to see items not on public display and to learn about the latest methods of conservation, storage, and documentation.
The annual banquet is a formal and colorful affair in the tradition of the officer's mess night still observed on many military installations, with active duty and retired officers in their mess dress uniforms.