Effective 2 May 1974, the Board of Governors of The Company of Military Historians established a special Company honor, to be known as The Company of Military Historians Distinguished Service Award. This award has been established by the Governors of The Company to recognize long and outstanding service to The Company. Eligibility criteria require that the individual concerned has been a Fellow of The Company for a minimum of ten years; is not an officer or Governor of The Company; and has contributed services over and beyond that expected and received from the average member and Fellow. Nominations for the award can be made only by the Governors and such nominations are referred to a Distinguished Service Award Committee for study and recommendation. No more than three awards can be given in any one year and the announcement of the award will be made at the Annual Banquet during the Annual Meeting.

DSA Criteria as Approved 25 August 2009
1. Annually, not more than three members of The Company, selected as provided hereunder, will be invested with this award at the annual Company meeting. (On 27 October 2009, the Board approved waiving the number allowed per year for the awards to be presented at the 2010 annual meeting).
2. Members so honored will be active members of The Company and Fellows of a minimum of five years standing.
3. They shall be selected for outstanding, efficient, devoted, and continuous service to The Company beyond the normal obligations of membership and office.
4. Such service to The Company itself shall be the only criterion for this award.
5. This award shall be granted sparingly, with every effort to ensure that the members so honored are fully worthy. There shall be no effort to establish or fill an annual quota. If no thoroughly qualified members exist, the award shall not be given
6. Active officers and officials of The Company shall be eligible after five years of consecutive service in the same office
7. Members to be so honored may be nominated by any Governor in good standing. Nominations will be approved by the Board of Governors.
a. In exceptional cases, the Board of Governors may authorize a posthumous award when a probable candidate dies unexpectedly.
b. This award may be revoked by a majority vote of the Board of Governors in the event that a member so honored is found guilty of criminal or personal misconduct bringing discredit to The Company.
8. The award itself shall consist of an openwork reproduction of the Company seal, approximately four (4) inches high, in silver. It shall be suspended around the neck by a ribbon of the Company’s colors. Its presentation shall be accompanied by an appropriate certificate.
DSA with Star Criteria as approved April 2009
1. The Distinguished Service Award with Star is established to indicate a second award of the highest honor bestowed by the Company of Military Historians.
2. This award shall be granted sparingly, with every effort to ensure that the members so honored are fully worthy.
3. Recipients shall be active members of the Company. They shall be elected for outstanding, efficient, devoted, and continuous service to the Company beyond the normal obligations of membership or that which would be considered eligible for a Commendation Award.
4. A member shall be eligible for a DSA with Star no sooner than five (5) years after receiving the Distinguished Service Award.
5. Members to be so honored may be nominated by any Governor in good standing. The nomination must be approved by a majority vote of the Board of Governors.
6. The award itself shall consist of a silver star added to the DSA medallion, accompanied by an appropriate certificate. Under normal circumstances, it will be presented at the Annual Meeting of the Company.
Nominations may be submitted to:
Bill Emerson, Chair, Fellows Committee, 124 Kensington Drive, Madison, AL 35758 bemerson@knology.net
A complete list of DSA recipients is below. The list is searchable and sortable.