Commendation Award

12 February 2006; Revised 18 April 2006

Purpose of Commendation Awards
• To recognize outstanding service to the Company of Military Historians.
• This service may be a single act that merits recognition, or meritorious service over a period of time in one or more areas.
• Other CMH awards are a Fellowship, which recognizes a combination of scholarship and service in multiple areas, and the Distinguished Service Award, which recognizes continuing exceptional service after being named a Fellow.

• Any member in good standing is eligible for Commendation, including those who hold a CMH office or position or who have previously been awarded a Fellowship or DSA.
• Service resulting in one Commendation Award cannot be counted toward a subsequent award, although a continuation of the same type of service can merit a second Commendation after a suitable period of time.
• Service resulting in a Commendation Award is eligible for consideration toward a Fellowship.

• A Commendation may be awarded for any outstanding service that brings distinction to the Company or a chapter or improves services to members.

Method of Recognition

Commendation Award Pin

• Recipients will receive an unframed certificate and a three-star cluster pin to be worn under the membership or fellows pin. Multiple awardees will receive a numeral to be affixed over the central star denoting the repeat award.

Commendation Pin under Member PinCommendation Pin under Fellow Pin

• All recipients will be listed in the Journal and Dispatch and be announced at the annual meeting.
• Any member in good standing may nominate another member for a Commendation Award.
• Letters of nomination should detail the nature of the nominee’s service and explain why it is worthy of special recognition.

• Nominations will be considered and awarded on a continuous basis.
• Nominations must be received by March 1st to be announced at that year’s annual meeting. Those received after March 1st will be announced at the following year’s meeting.

Nominations may be submitted to:

Bill Emerson, Chair, Fellows Committee, 124 Kensington Drive, Madison, AL 35758

A complete list of Commendation Award recipients is below. The list is searchable and sortable.

Recipients of the Commendation Award

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