Chesapeake Chesapeake


President Alan Boyd:  (703) 339-6386

V. President: Ron Steele 703-340-4061

Secretary: Mike Osborne: 304-620-3258

Treasurer: David Harden 304-258-1482

Facebook: (20+) Chesapeake Chapter, Company of Military Historians | Facebook

Latest Company & Chapter News


The “Wild Bunch

The Chesapeake Chapter’s 2024 picnic was a fantastic event, filled with camaraderie and shared passions. Members turned out to enjoy a day of great food and engaging activities. The weather couldn’t have been better, providing the perfect backdrop for the festivities.

A highlight of the day was the firing range, where members showcased their vintage weapons, offering a glimpse into the history and craftsmanship behind these remarkable pieces. Dave and Lee truly stood out as exceptional hosts, ensuring that everything ran smoothly and that everyone felt welcomed and well fed.

In addition to the firing range activities, many members brought items from their personal collections, sharing fascinating details and insights during brief talks. This sharing of knowledge enriched the experience for all attendees.

The culinary offerings were equally impressive, with exceptional baked beans and a delicious pot roast beef that had everyone raving. Overall, the picnic was a successful celebration of community, history, and great food, leaving everyone looking forward to the next gathering!

With perfect weather enhancing the day’s enjoyment, the picnic was not only a chance to unwind but also to learn and connect with the membership. Here’s to another successful event for the Chesapeake Chapter!

Click for more Photos


John Griffith’s Birthday Celebration……CONGRADULATIONS JOHN!

Life Chapter member, John Griffiths celebrated his  86th birthday at the Golden Corral: July 15th  @ 12:00 noon….10320 Spotsylvania Ave, Fredericksburg, VA 22408

Click for Details and Photos of the Event


Chapter meeting at NRA museum July 27th 2024

Click here for details and photos of meeting…

“John Dahlgren and the Plymouth Rifle…” by Marc Gorelick


Mike at the annual picnic at Dave Harden’s house July 2019

Sadly, we were informed of the recent passing of Chapter member, Dr. Michael Rosen. Follow the link below for his obituary, which we hope will published in the Summer CMH Journal. He will be greatly missed



Chesapeake Chapter member Dave Harden gave a very informative presentation titled “Introduction to Springfield Trapdoor Rifles and Carbines” at the 2024 meeting of Company of Military Historians in Augusta, Maine.  The research presentation covered History, Characteristics, Models, and Production Numbers of the 45-70’s. Dave also included information on the use of the Trapdoor carbines and rifles at the Battle of the Little Bighorn. Dave included photos and examples from his personal collection. The presentation concluded with a review of the many movie and television appearances of the Trapdoors. Dave will be doing another presentation on 45-70’s in Chattanooga, Tenn., at next years meeting.


From Dave’s talk on Trapdoor Springfields in Maine at 2024 CMH meeting


Company 2024 Annual Meeting in Augusta Maine

Conference Chair James Kochan and his committee did a wonderful job…..

click here for pics and information

The Passing of Alejandro De Quesada

It was sad to hear the news about Alejandro De Quesada who passed away a couple of days ago and I wanted our Chapter to know.  Alex was a good friend of mine and was always present at the annual CMH meetings.  Alex was the Assistant Secretary of the Company for many years and he had so many good friends. He was recently inducted into the ASAC (American Society of Arms Collectors).  Alex was a kind and generous man who shared his collecting knowledge and expertise with others. He surely will be missed…annual meetings will not be the same without you. Rest in peace Alex.

Alex at the Banquet in Mobile, Alabama…. ASAC 2024
Alex and Craig at the 2021 CMH Meeting in Trenton, New Jersey

Myers Brown  · 5/1/2024

My friend Alejandro de Quesada apparently passed away today suddenly. I first met Alex at the 1998 Company of Military Historians meeting in Atlanta. I was helping lead tours of collections storage at the Atlanta History Center. This guy with an odd accent kept asking questions about our Span-Am holdings and we became friends. He was always interested in all things militaria, having a good time, and surrounding himself with those who wanted to hang out late and smoke a cigar. Only years later did I come to understand his vast knowledge and vast collecting. He was kind and generous. Last summer while me, my wife and daughter were making college visits in Tampa, we managed to have lunch with Alex and then I got to visit his warehouse of cool stuff. I am so glad we took the time to visit with him. He will be missed more than he will know. I raise a glass in his honor and may even smoke a cigar in his memory. He made up personal challenge coins. Angie Watson Brown and I were honored with these after the 2008 & 2018 meetings we hosted in Nashville. God speed and Semper Paratus, my friend.


MACA 2024 BALTIMORE SHOW Displays click here

Chesapeake Chapter Displays and Other Awards…

Chapter Display click here

I want to thank display coordinator John Dowdle and his wife Cynthia for their hard work to make this display a real success. Also, thanks to those who watched the table and solicited new members, I know this was a real sacrifice with all the action going on inside the show arena. A salute goes to Alan Boyd, Jim Cudlip, Will Horn, John Dowdle, Dirk Salverian, Tom Price, Ronn Steele, John Morris, George Franks and Mike Rosen for their time at the table.  Also, a sincere thanks to those who donated swords from their collections…..Bruce Bazlon, John Thillmann, John Dowdle, Jim Vaughn and Doug Lampe.


Chapter meeting at George Frank’s home in Falling Waters…November 4th 2023

Dear George:

My most sincere thanks to you and Melissa for hosting such a fun and educational meeting in your fabulous home.  Y’all have done an incredible job in restoring the Donnelly House, and my lid is forever tipped to y’all for doing that.  I enjoyed the tour to no end, and the opportunity to, once again, renew old friendships, and to meet new friends.

Kenneth Smith-Christmas


Ken summed it up very well and I wanted to also let you know how much we all enjoyed the meeting.  You do indeed have a wonderful historic place to live and work.  Everyone seemed to have had a really fun time thanks to you and Melissa.  The items member brought were a real treat for all.   And Ken, your brief talk on your father’s Bridesburg musket was a big hit…most interesting history of a musket.   I wanted to hold it, but things were moving too fast and just didn’t get a chance.  I will put some pictures of the meeting on the Chapter website for all to enjoy.  Our Chapter thanks you for a wonderful time!

Mike Osborne

Our next Chapter meeting…

On Saturday, November 4th….Chapter member George Franks plans a tour of his home, the Daniel Donnelly House, as well as the Battle of Williamsport (or Falling Waters) on July 14, 1863. We will start in the house with a short Chapter meeting, with coffee and bagels/doughnuts, and a walk through the first floor, which served as Daniel Donnelly’s 1823-1850 law offices. The house served as a Confederate field hospital after Gettysburg and the floors still exhibit the blood stains.


Chapter Picnic 2023

Our Chapter summer picnic was held on Saturday July 22nd.   This year it was held at Chapter member Chris and Wendi Grazzini’s historic home in Easton Maryland.  We had a really good turn out for a day of fun, history and good food.   Chris and Wendi gave tours of the property and Chris talked about his 1812 collection.  Chris’s wife Wendi gave boat rides to anyone interested sailing on the Choptank River behind the house.   It was a fun and very memorable occasion, and we thank Chris and Wendi for hosting!


John Grant Griffith’s 85th Birthday Party

Submitted by Chapter member Kenneth Smith-Christmas:

              On Saturday afternoon, 15 July 2023, about thirty well-wishers gathered at the Golden Corral Restaurant in Fredericksburg, Virginia, to help Chapter Member John Grant Griffiths celebrate his 85th birthday.  Included in the group were a number of members of the Company of Military Historians’ Chesapeake Chapter, as John (or “JGG”, as he is also known) has been a long-time member of the group. 

              Organized by retired Marine colonel Mike Burns and Alan Zirkle (both local Civil War Roundtable members), the event was a repeat of last year’s surprise birthday party for JGG, which had also been well attended.  As he had done at last year’s party, John’s long-time friend (dating back to 1962) and former supervisor at the Marine Corps Museum, Chapter Member Ken Smith-Christmas gave a brief presentation, chronicling JGG’s life and his involvement in military history.  As most everyone at the event was aware, John is the Great-Great-Grandson of Gen Ulysses S. Grant, and his maternal great grandfather was the former Secretary of War, Elihu Root.

              In addition to the Boyds and the Hardens, Jim Beale, Tim Terrell, and Hermes Knauer were there from the Chapter, as were a number of John’s former “comrades in arms” from the First Maryland Regiment (1964-1983), as JGG was a founding member of famed Revolutionary War living history unit.  Members from two of Fredericksburg’s Civil War Roundtables (JGG is a member of both) and their wives were also in attendance, as well as members of the Sons of Union Veterans.  John has been involved in Civil War living history since the mid-1950s, when he helped found the North-South Skirmish Associations’ 1st Maryland “Blackhats”, in which he served during the Civil War Centennial.  After moving to the Fredericksburg area in 1988 when he became the Curator of Ordnance for the Marine Corps Museum, JGG has participated in scores of local historical observances and events.

(All Images Courtesy of Hermes Knauer)

JGG is very fond of deserts, and the cake that Mike Burns provided was soon devoured.
Jim Beale, a Company of Military Historians member and long-time associate of John’s through the 1st MD Blackhats, wishes him all the best, as Ken Smith-Christmas looks on.
John Grant Griffiths poses for the camera on his 85th Birthday.

John’s younger sister, Frances, (seen here in the center—Mike Burns is in the background) worked at the Metropolitan Museum of Art with Hermes Knauer, a Company of Military Historians member, in the 1970s.  Hermes was instrumental in enabling JGG to attend the April 2023 Annual Meeting in Stafford, Virginia.

John at the Fredericksburg 2023 Annual Meeting.


At the shooting range at Princeton New Jersey CMH national meeting


Chesapeake Chapter members, family and guests…

Chesapeake Chapter Picnic July 22, 2023

Our Chapter summer picnic is scheduled Saturday for July 22nd.   This year it will be held at Chapter member Chris Grazzini’s historic home in Easton Maryland.    Chris is looking forward for a big turn out, so please mark your calendar and join us for a day of fun, history and good food.   Chris plans to give a tour of his home and talk about his 1812 collection.  Chris’s wife Wendi will take anyone interested sailing on the Choptank River behind the house.  Just make sure you bring water shoes and clothes that can get a bit wet.  If you haven’t been to one of our meetings or events in a while, make plans to attend, you don’t want to miss this picnic.  Bring items from your collection for show and tell.

As always, this will be a very interesting event and hope many of you will be able to attend.  Old house, old guns, old swords and very good old friends …all together in one place.   Please let me know if you are able to attend this event as we will need a count for food preparation.

Potter Hall or Potter’s Landing (circa 1730)

Potter Hall was originally settled by Zabdiel Potter, who in the mid-18th century built a wharf and the small brick house. He developed Potter’s Landing into a key early port for the shipping of tobacco to Baltimore. 


The annual 2023 CMH meeting was a huge success. John Thillmann and his team hosted a fantastic Company meeting….everyone enjoyed the events……thank you John! Follow this LINK for meeting details of all the fun we had and pictures.

2023 Fredericksburg Meeting Program

Next Annual Meeting in Maine 2024


Chapter member William Connery sent this email reminder concerning this event. Hope you might have a chance to go to this show. Thanks William.

Our big event is our Civil War Books, Relics and Memorabilia Show on Saturday, May 20 at the Arlington-Fairfax Elks Lodge, 8421 Arlington Boulevard, Fairfax, Virginia 22031 on Rt. 50 in Fairfax from 10:00am-5:00pm. Over 20 tables with books and other sundries from Don Hakenson, Kim Holien, Bud Mayo, William Connery, Marc Ramsey and others. Admission is $5.00 per person.

This cannon was used in the Battle of Bull Run, where it was captured by Confederates… click above link for more information.


2023 MACA SHOW Chesapeake Chapter Display “WWI Headgear”. Items donated by Chapter members Tom Price and Dave Harden.

Tom and Dave at the Display table
Dave Harden and James Cudlip …..registering new members to join the CMH
Alan Boyd at his display……19th Century American Naval Weapons.

Part of the “Best of Show” from the 2022 NRA Annual Meeting

John Thillman’s sword display “The First US Saber Contract 1798″…Lewis Prahl, Nathan Starr and Buehl & Greenleaf

John had this display at the NewPort News CMH annual meeting in 2022
Chris Grazzini had an outstanding display … “War of 1812 US Militia Dragoon Officer Uniform and Weapons”


Fellow Chesapeake Chapter members and guests……. We had our Chapter meeting on Saturday February 11th 2023 at the NRA headquarters auditorium at 10:00am.  Our speaker for this event was Col. J. Craig Nannos USA Ret.  Craig had an excellent presentation on the “Drumbeat Through History”.   


On Saturday Dec. 3rd, author, collector and historian, Fred Gaede gave a presentation on “Muskets and Men in Defense of Baltimore 1814’… at the NRA headquarters and museum in Fairfax Virginia.  Fred had four MARYLAND-marked muskets on display and to discuss.  Plus a number of bayonets for them as well as other items and memorabilia related to the defense of Baltimore in 1814.  Among other items, three of the Maryland muskets that Fred had with him were on PBS series “Chesapeake Collectibles” in the last episode of that program, back in 2020.   Here’s the link:

Fred is a member of the Chesapeake Chapter CMH, a member of Maryland Arms Collectors Association and a member of the American Society of Arms Collectors. His valuable knowledge of early U.S. war accoutrements and weapons is a real asset to our Chapter and we are fortunate to have him as a member. Fred gave an excellent talk and had a spectacular collection of 1812 era Maryland accouterments and weapons. We had several display tables and members brought in a number of related items to show and discuss that supported the presentation. Thank you Fred!

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71st Annual Meeting Rock Island, Illinois (The Quad Cities) was held on 6-8- October 2022. Kevin Lonergan did an excellent job hosting this meeting, making it very memorable for 70 plus members in attendance.  Great job Kevin!

Miller Award: Jerry Roxbury:

“Hats of the U.S. Navy” showing the various hats from the Civil War to the Spanish American War highlighting the fancy embroidering that was popular with Sailors during this time frame

Photo 1

Photo 2

Photo 3

The Emerson Award was awarded to John Thillmann and Chris Grazzini for the Journal article they wrote entitled “The Rarely Seen Early American Light Dragoon Saddles, C. 1770-1815

Certificate of Appreciation Awarded to Randy Baehr (St. Lewis Chapter) for his Presentation and Research on the “Woodruff Gun”.

Photo 1

Photo 2

Other Extraordinary Displays ….

US Magazine Rifles, Model 1903, Caliber .30 The Early Years: 1903-1920

by Vince Rausch

Photo 1

Durs Egg Flintlocks & Durs Egg Eagle Pommel Sword (1786-1804)

by Alan Boyd

Photo 1

The Banquet:

Photo 1

Photo 2 Charles Cureton and Mark Kasal

Rock Island Arsenal Museum:

Photo 1

Photo 2

Photo 3

Photo 4

Photo 5

Dinner at the River House Bar & Grill

Photo 1 Photo 2 Photo 3


CHESAPEAKE CHAPER ANNUAL PICNIC on Saturday Aug. 20th in Berkeley Springs, WV

Dave and Lee,

    Thank you very much for hosting the Chesapeake Chapter annual picnic this year.   Your castle is a special place and worked very well for the event.  The presentation was informative and broad reaching covering 200 years of Army headgear and ceremonial hats.  The historic gun shoot is always a treat and even my wife participated and she is a “gun hater”.   The food was 5 star fantastic!  Lee is a wonderful chef and be sure to thank Soo Prince too since I know she helped set up and put out the spread.   If anyone left hungry it was their own fault since the food covered a lot of different genres and was so plentiful I am surprised that any of us fit out the doors.   It was all so good.  

    I have received several emails or Facebook Messages from members who thoroughly enjoyed themselves so it is a widespread appreciation of what you do to enhance our organization. 

Very respectfully, Alan

If you have any photos you would like to share on the Chapter’s Facebook page, please do so. Below are a few I took. Click this link for our Facebook page Chesapeake Chapter, Company of Military Historians | Facebook

Patrick Gloyd firing an original Sharps carbine……

Photo 1

Photo 2 Headgear

Photo 3 Mike and Meda firing a Winchester model 1890

Photo 4 Alan and George

Photo 5 the Buffet table

Photo 6 Desert table

Photo 7 Robert and George

Photo 8 Kenneth Smith-Christmas

Photo 9 the Hardware

The American Society of Arms Collectors had the 136th meeting (April 27 – May 1, 2022) in Newport News, VA

Displays that were set up by members of the Chesapeake Chapter.

Alan Boyd with an early 1812 era Display of naval weapons
Fred Gaede with his display of an 1812 War musket that was repaired by a local Baltimore gunsmith James Haslett
John Thillmann by his display of first contract sabers
Prahl ,, Starr and Buel & Greenleaf swords
Weapons and accoutrements of the War of 1812 by Chris Grazzini
Presentation sword of General William Mahone, CSA by Craig Bell

Maryland Arms Collectors Association (MACA) March 18th-19th,

2022 Show… Chapter Display

To all, thank you for helping at the table this weekend at the MACA Arms Show.  From your feedback as well as comments from visitors throughout the weekend, the Randall knife display drew a lot of positive interest.    Almost all of the hard copy membership applications were scarfed up, and many people also used the QR code sheets, so hopefully we see something positive come from that in new member interest.  Again, thanks for the support throughout the weekend, and look forward to seeing you at the next gathering …John Dowdle

John Dowdle and James Cudlip at the “Randall Fighting Knifes” Chapter display table

The Chesapeake Chapter had a display table at the MACA Show (March 19-20). .   The theme this year was focused on Randall Fighting Knifes… from the collection of Chapter member John Dowdle.  This display pointed out the differences between their military style knives and their military-survival knives….between 13-17 knives were on display.

John showing the Scagel Book





John and his wife Cynthia. Cynthia did a fantastic job helping John with the display this year!

Chapter President Alan Boyd with treasurer Dave Harden

Dressed for Battle……. Uniforms Weapons and Accoutrements of the War of 1812 by Chris Grazzini
Alan Boyd’s Display of Engraved, Gold Inlaid, Silver Mounted Walnut Officer’s Pistols – Dated 1792 by Durs Egg

See article PDF by John Dowdle


A Survey of American Early Republic Flintlock Pistols 1780-1819

John Thillmann at the NRA museum

Early Republic Flintlock Pistols 1780-1819

The Chesapeake Chapter had a meeting at the NRA headquarters on Saturday Jan. 15th where the topic focused on among others…. Harpers Ferry, Simeon North, Derringer, Henry, Evans and Springfield flintlock pistols.  These guns and manufacturers played an important role in the early years of the Republic……  Shays’ Rebellion August 29, 1786 – February 1787,  the Whiskey Rebellion 1791–1794,  the Northwest Indian War (1786–1795),  Quasi-War1798-1800, Fries’s Rebellion 1799-1800,  War of 1812,  1st Seminole War (1817-1818) and the numerous Indian wars and skirmishes between the various tribes and American settlers on the frontier.  We thanked John Thillmann, who did a fantastic job with this presentation on these early pistols. I’m sure members and guests enjoyed this informative lecture. We also thanked Philip Schreier (NRA museum curator) who is also a Chapter member, for the use of their wonderful facility / auditorium.

See presentation “A” (click here) as a Movie. Hit “pause” if more time needed to view the photos.

See presentation “A” (click here) as a PowerPoint. Select “slide show” then click “from beginning” use space bar to advance to next slide.

See presentation “B” (click here) as a PowerPoint. Select “slide show” then click “from beginning” use space bar to advance to next slide.


Kenneth Smith-Christmas at the NRA museum

On Saturday Nov. 6thKenneth Smith-Christmas presented  his research on the “Frankenstein-Spencer” rifle from the Fenian Raids against Canada. It was damaged during the battle of Ridgeway and repaired by the armorer of the Canadian’s Queens Own.
Although attendance was light, it was great to have a Company of Military Historians Chesapeake Chapter meeting in person after a hiatus of a year and a half. President Alan Boyd addressing the members.
Afterwards, Chapter members (Mike Osborne, Alan Boyd, John Thillmann, Dirk Salverian and Ron Steele) treated Kenneth to lunch at the nearby Cheese Cake Factory.

Thanks Kenneth and also thanks to Philip Schreier for hosting us in a fabulous auditorium at the NRA headquarters in Fairfax VA

On Saturday September 25th, 2021

Open House 2021 | Americans in Wartime Experience

Military Tanks and Armored Vehicles | K9 Demos |  Veteran Interviews | Living History Unit Displays and Reenactments | Historical Displays | Veteran Support Groups | Children’s Activities | Food Vendors | Flame Thrower Demos and More!

2021 Tank Farm Open House
Nokesville, Virginia
September 25 & 26
10am – 4pm Both Days

Chapter members had a very enjoyable day at the Tank Farm in Nokesville, Virginia.

Group pic of members

Tank pic1

Tank pic2

Tank pic3

Tank pic4

On August 21, the Chapter had its yearly Chapter picnic at Dave Harden’s house in Berkeley Springs, WVa click here to see photos of event.

Dave’s Presentation on “blades” at the picnic
Alan Boyd and Terry Thomann with the Green rifle

The Greene rifle was an American single shot underhammer breechloading bolt action rifle, designed by Lieutenant Colonel James Durrell Greene of the U.S. Army. The Greene rifle was the first bolt-action rifle adopted by the United States Army, and saw use during the American Civil War


On Saturday July 24th 2021 we had a very enjoyable event at the new U.S. Army Museum (Fort Belvoir). Chesapeake Chapter member John Dowdle was there and he took the group around to certain highlights as a tour docent, which he will begin doing later on in the summer on a regular basis.

(20+) Company of Military Historians | Facebook

1808 bayonet sling and cartridge box at the museum


MACA 2018 Early Sword display with members of Chesapeake Chapter members, George Franks, John Thillmann, Chris Grazzini, Mike Osborne, and Alan Boyd.

Sword Display 1

Sword Display 2

Sword Display 3

Past Chapter Meetings

2021 Princeton NJ National Meeting

PowerPoint Pictures of Meeting

International Military Antiques

Chesapeake’s July 24th Meeting /Event at Fort Belvoir Army Museum

Chesapeake’s February 13th 2021 meeting

Chesapeake’s February 28th 2021 Meeting

Current News:

At the Gettysburg April 2021 show, CMH Chapter members took three of the four show display awards:

Juanita Leisch-Jensen 1st Runner-up for her display of Uniforms titled Early and Ongoing Authenticity

Uniform Display

Jerry Roxbury 2nd Runner-up for display of swords titled Presentation and Presentation Grade Civil War Pattern 1852 Naval Officer Swords”

Naval Officer Swords:

Paul Johnson Judges Choice Award for his display of leather goods titled Cartridge Boxes for Union Carbines 1839-1865”

Union Carbine Boxes

Jim Brown won 1st prize with his display onVirginia Manufactory Swords“. Congratulations to all for outstanding displays!

Virginia Manufactory Swords

2019 Activities

On Saturday, Philip Schreier,  senior curator of the NRA museum put on a fantastic presentation on “Confederate Revolvers”.  Philip featured some of the more popular and not so popular revolvers used by the Confederates during the Civil War.  The meeting was held at Fort ward on Saturday November 2nd at 10:00am.   Members brought some nice items from their collection in support of the talk.  It was well attended and everyone seemed to enjoy the presentation.  Afterwards, we took Philip out to lunch in appreciation for a superb talk on this subject.

 2018 Activities

JulyThe Chesapeake chapter had a meeting and picnic hosted by President Chris Grazzini’s at his home in Quantico, Virginia on Saturday, July 28. The meeting had a World War I theme, featured a barbeque “pot luck” luncheon. John De Pue gave a talk about weapons of the doughboy, illustrated by items from his collection. After lunch, we visited the near-by Marine Corps Museum which opened a new exhibit featuring the Corps in WW 1 The membership enjoyed the day and was a very enlightening presentation by John. 
AprilChapter met at Fort Ward Park,4301 W Braddock Rd, Alexandria, VA  Saturday, 10:00am on April 21nd  on the Battle of Falling Waters given by one of our own members, George Franks. The Battle of Falling Waters involved 7,434 Union soldiers under Brig. Generals Judson Kilpatrick and John Buford and 3,320 Confederate soldiers under Maj. General Henry Heth. The Battle of Gettysburg took place between July 1-3, 1863, but the final fighting of the historic campaign came on July 14 at the little known Battle of Falling Waters near Williamsport. By then, most of the retreating Confederate troops who had fought at Gettysburg had crossed the Potomac River to escape the Union army. The primary objective of the battle was to protect Robert E. Lee’s army as it crossed the Potomac.  Most of the Confederate army crossed over the Potomac on a pontoon bridge built in an area near Williamsport known as Falling Waters. The name came from a small waterfall on what was then the Virginia side of the Potomac River.George F. Franks III, who lives on the property where the battle was fought, has written a book about the battle and the events leading up to it, called “The Battle of Falling Waters.”  Franks began writing the book two years ago and it was published July 16 , two days after the anniversary of the Battle of Falling Waters.    George gave a very impressive talk and everyone enjoyed it!  Members brought items from their collection and they were presented to the members as well.
  Pictures from the April Meeting  
JanuaryOn Saturday Jan. 27th, the Chesapeake Chapter had a meeting at Fort Ward, Va. The speaker was one of own members, Glenn Williams who gave an excellent talk on his book Lord Dunmore’s War. It was an excellent presentation …Lord Dunmore’s War was the name given to a series of bloody hostilities in 1774 between the colonists of Virginia and the Shawnee and Mingo Indians. The area south of the Ohio River had long been claimed by the Iroquois, the most powerful Indian nation in the Northern Colonies, but other tribes also made claims to the area and often hunted the region. The colonists began exploring and settling the lands south of the Ohio River (now WV and KY) after the 1768 Treaty of Fort Stanwix with the Iroquois, but Ohio Indians who hunted the land refused to sign the treaty and prepared to defend their hunting rights. Glenn did a great job and he certainly made the talk very interesting. After the presentation, members of the Chapter gave a brief talk on items of interest they brought to the meeting. It was a very well attended meeting and everyone seemed to really enjoy the gathering.
  Glenn Williams speaking about his recent book

2017 Activities

AugustOn Saturday August 12th , we conducted a joint meeting and lunch with the Tidewater Chapter in Fredericksburg / Spotsylvania at John Thillmann’s home. I’d like to thank John and Karen for being gracious hosts and sharing their new home to the Chapters.  It was a very well attended meeting, the food and comradery was excellent.After the meeting, Chapter members Doug Lampe, Jerry Roxbury, Fred Gaede and William Connery gave brief talks on items they brought from their collections.   After lunch, John De Pue conducted an excellent driving tour of the battle of Chancellorsville (tracing the route of Stonewell Jackson’s famous “Flank March”)  and ended at the Chancellorsville visitors center.  The enthusiasm of the members that day and having both chapters present was exciting,  so we plan to do it again in the future.  We had approx. 28 members attending. More images on Facebook (Login may be required)
 Fred Gaede explaining the significance of a white buff leather militia belt
JuneDave Harden and his wife have graciously invited our Chapter members to a luncheon meeting at his home in Berkeley Springs, West Virginia on the 10th of June at 12:00 noon.  Following a picnic lunch, Dave showed us his collection and present a lecture on the trapdoor Springfield rifle, illustrated by examples from his collection. We also visited acouple of historical sites in Winchester end route to Dave’s. Photos are on Facebook (Login may be required)

2016 Activities

DecemberThe Chesapeake Chapter of the CMH conducted a very exciting meeting at The Horse Soldier, 219 Steinwehr Avenue, Gettysburg, PA, on Saturday, December 10, 2016 beginning at 10:00 a.m.We were joined by members of the new Gettysburg Chapter that Sam and Wes Small are working to organize.During the meeting,  which was held in the shop’s second floor library, we had the special privilege of viewing some of the spectacular swords from the Kevin Hoffman collection that the Horse Soldier is marketing.  Following lunch, Gary Cross, a licensed battlefield guide, lead us in a tour of the East Cavalry Battlefield, and narrated the July 3, 1863 cavalry action between BG George A. Custer and MG JEB Stuart. The  meeting also include several matters of importance to Chapter administration.  President John Thillmann has submitted his resignation, effective December 31, 2016, due to an impending move from the area.  Vice- President Pat Gloyd, has submitted his resignation from that office because, as the CMH National Treasurer, he is unable to assume the presidency as our by-laws provide. Both officers have one more year to complete their terms.  We conducted a special election to fill these positions for the unexpired portions of the terms.   COL Chris Grazzini, USAF was nomination as President and George Franks as Vice-President.  Attached are a few picture taken during the event…enjoy.   Sam and Wes were gracious hosts and we thank them very much for their hospitality!This is a link to the CMH’s Facebook page with more photos
SeptemberOn Saturday, Sept. 17, the Annual CMH Chesapeake Chapter picnic and meeting was held at John Thillman’s house.  We had over 24 members who came and enjoyed presentations by John DePue with assistance by Chris Grazzini on swords from 1785 through 1818, Alan Boyd on a  historic USN Sword from the War of 1812.  Jim Kochand and William Leigh brought lots of great swords and etc to sell and other members also put out things to sell.  It was truly amazing to see that many early American made swords in one place!John really enjoyed hosting the event …3 cases of  beer, 36 1/3 pound Burgers, 20 hot dogs, (man that grill was really hot..on a very hot day) large tub of potato salad, 4 bags of chips and salsa and my signature salad. I barely had time to sit…but John DePue and Chris Grazzini did a great job. All in all a great meeting/picnic.Super hot day but Mike Rosen,  MD was in attendance so no worries from the heat. George Franks came early with ice just in time to get the first round of bee cold!John started the meeting as Chapter President, John DePue chapter treasurer gave a report and Mike Osborne gave the secretaries report…..then had to cook burgers and franks so asked Chris Grazzini to take over.The John’s house was on the banks of the Potomac River and luckily we had a very slight breeze…. so while hot it was tolerable..This is a link to the CMH’s Facebook page with more photos
FebruaryOn the morning of the 6th we held a meeting at the Horse-Soldier in Gettysburg to elect new officers and thereafter the Chapter members went on a professional guide led tour of the battlefield. It was great! 
MarchThe chapter manned a CMH table and put on a display of Army Spurs from the Patrick Gloyd collection at the Baltimore Antique Gun show on the 18th through the 20th. We manned the table over a three day time frame with members and were able to recruit some new members.
AprilFrom the 14th through the 17th the Chapter was a sponsor of the Annual CMH meeting at the Hilton Dulles/Washington. We put on the break room with ice tea, soda, water, beer and wine which was pretty much consumed by Sunday morning, and we also judged and presented two Chesapeake chapter awards at the show for Best display and Best relic (Alex de Quesada won best relic and the photo of his display is attached).  John Thillmann and Patrick Gloyd were co chairs and are Chesapeake Chapter President and VIce President as well. Mike Osborn chapter Secretary was the Audio Visual guru. John DePue our treasurer was also the Meeting Treasurer. Mike Mancuso was in charge of security, Peter McDermott got us the “Old Guard” for the flag presentation and many other members were instrumental in making the meeting a success.   
JulyThe Chesapeake Chapter hosted a meeting on Saturday, July 16th at 10:00 AM at Fort Ward. The  presentation was on Mosby’s men by Eric Buckland who has written 5 books on Mosby’s Rangers.  Follow this link to his website, that will give more details about his books….. 

2015 Activities

SeptemberChapter meeting and picnic in Alexandria, Virginia. Presentation: “Imported French Swords in the War of 1812” by Chris Grazzini. Special thanks to John Thillmann and Chris Grazzini.
SeptemberChapter Display & Recruiting Booth at the Annual DC Model Soldier Show in Annandale, VA. Thanks to Tim Terrell.
MarchAnnual Chapter Display & Recruiting Booth at the Maryland Antique Arms Show in Baltimore . Chapter display: “Model 1832 Foot Artillery Swords and Belts”. Thanks to John De Pue, Michael Osborne and John Thillmann.

2014 Activities

DecemberChapter meeting and John S. Mosby event. Presentation and tour at Warrenton Cemetery with the Stuart-Mosby Historical Society, and tour of The Fauquier History Museum at the Old Jail, Warrenton, VA.
SeptemberChapter Display & Recruiting Booth at the Annual DC Model Soldier Show in Annandale , VA. Thanks to Tim Terrell.
AugustChapter meeting at Fort Ward, Alexandria, Virginia.  Presentation:  Shadow of Shiloh: Major General Lew Wallace in the Civil War by author Gail Stephens.
JuneChapter meeting in Historic Donnelly House, Falling Waters Maryland.  Tour of the Falling Waters Battlefield led by author George Franks.
MarchAnnual Chapter Display & Recruiting Booth at the Maryland Antique Arms Show in Baltimore . Display theme was “Large Frame Army Revolvers from the Civil War.” Thanks to John De Pue, Patrick Gloyd,  John Thillmann  and volunteers. 

2013 Activities

DecemberChapter meeting at Fort Ward, Alexandria, Virginia.  Presentation on The Confederate Enfield by Captain Steven Knott (Ret.)
JulyTour of the Bristoe Station Battlefield in Bristoe Station, Virginia and Chapter picnic.
AprilAssistance and volunteer  staffing of the Annual National Meeting of the CMH in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.  Thanks to Mike Mancuso, John Thillmann and other Chesapeake Chapter volunteers who helped make this meeting a success.
MarchAnnual Chapter Display & Recruiting Booth at the Maryland Antique Arms Show in Baltimore . Thanks to John De Pue, Patrick Gloyd,  Mike Osborne, John Thillmann  and volunteers. 
FebruaryChapter meeting at NRA Headquarters, Fairfax, Virginia.  Museum tour of the National Firearms Museum by Senior Curator Philip Schreier.

2012 Activities

JanuaryChapter meeting.  Tour of the Marine Corps Museum in Quantico Virginia.   View a private collection of War of 1812 period swords.   Special thanks to Chris Grazzini.Summary of the Chapters January 2012 Meeting at the USMC Museum at Quantico, VA (Link to Videos)
MarchAnnual Chapter Display & Recruiting Booth at the Maryland Antique Arms Show in Baltimore . Thanks to John De Pue, Terry Thomann and volunteers.
AprilAssistance and volunteer  staffing of the Annual National Meeting of the CMH in Baltimore, Maryland.  Thanks to Jeff Goodson and the many Chesapeake Chapter volunteers who made this meeting a great success. Link to 2012 General Meeting
JulyChapter Meeting at Fort Ward.  Presentation on Mexican War Period weapons,  focusing on the Colt Walker revolver, by National Firearms Museum curator Philip Schreier.  Special thanks to the NRA, Philip Schreier and Mike Osborne.
September 1Battlefield tour of South Mountain, Maryland with noted author and guide John Michael Priest.
DecemberChapter meeting at Springfield Arsenal, Alexandria Virginia.  Presentation: “Some Historically Significant Artillery Pieces” by John Morris.  Tour of Springfield Arsenal, LLC by John Morris.

2011 Program Highlights

JanuaryChapter meeting and behind-the-scenes tour, at the US Navy Academy Museum in Annapolis . Thanks to Larry Clemens.
MarchAnnual Chapter Display & Recruiting Booth at the Maryland Antique Arms Show in Baltimore . Thanks to John De Pue & Patrick Gloyd.
AprilAssistance and partial staffing of the Annual National Meeting of the CMH in Valley Forge , PA. Thanks to Mike Mancuso, Marko & Nancy Zlatich, Fred Gaede, Jeff Goodson, and others who gave presentations and/or set up displays.
MayHistorical Firearms shoot at the Manassas Tank Farm. Arranged by John Morris. August – Annual Chapter family Picnic was cancelled. Thanks to the Hurricane.
SeptemberChapter Display & Recruiting Booth at the Annual DC Model Soldier Show in Annandale , VA. Thanks to Tim Terrell, & Jeff Goodson.
SeptemberChapter meeting and presentation of Pre-Civil War Swords by John Thillmann, John De Pue & Chris Grazzini at Fort Ward, VA.
DecemberSecond Annual Chapter Holiday Social. Tour of the Riversdale Mansion near Bladensburg , MD. Thanks to Jeff Goodson.

2010 Activities

18 SeptemberChapter meeting and presentation at Fort Ward, Alexandria, Virginia, starting at 1100.
20 NovemberLincoln Cottage tour and presentation at the Armed Forces Retirement Home, Washington, DC.
4 DecemberInaugural Chapter holiday social and tour of headquarters of the Society of Cincinnati, Anderson House, 2118 Massachusetts Avenue, NW., Washington, DC.