Leonard Adams
Leonard Adams []
Contact information:
Leonard E Adams………Board of Governodrs CMH
3 Soundview St
West Haven, Ct. 06516
203 415-6286
Membership in the New England Chapter is open to Company Members who reside in the six New England States: Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont.
This newly formed New England Chapter of the Company recently held a joint workshop meeting with The Friends of The Springfield Armory Museum at the Armory in Springfield Massachusetts. The well attended workshop featured speakers on the subjects of The Massachusetts Militias, the difficulties faced by Gen. Rochambeau upon his arrival in America and The establishment of the cannon foundry at Springfield. Several attendees gathered in front of the iconic “pipe organ of muskets” in the museum for a photo with the speakers who were presented with certificates of appreciation from the Chapter. The next meeting of the New England Chapter is being planned for some time in September with the date and location TBA. Unfortunately, a large number of our members in the New England States have not updated their E-mail addresses with the Company and we have been unable to reach them. If you have not been contacted please send an email to member Lenny Adams, so we can advise you of future events etc.
Latest Chapter News

Roger Johnson standing behind Jim Controvich kneeling and next to him is Robert Bartlett he is with the “friends”. The gentlemen at either end we cannot identify and are probably also “friends” of the museum.
As you look at the photo from left to right, standing unknown, myself (in dark jacket),our program speakers Richard Colton, Norman Desmaris, and Leonid Kondratiuk holding their certificates. Kneeling are Larry McDonald (glasses) and Jim Controvich.