Purchasing MUIA Plates

Ordering MUIA Plates

All plates original production series unless otherwise noted. Plates sold by the Company do not indicate a license to use them as illustrations for publications. The Company does NOT own the copyright, which belongs to the artists or his heirs

Regular prices are $10/plate for members and $10/plate for non-members respectively, plus postage. Overseas shipments will be charged actual postage costs (contact the Company Administrator for rates). Free shipping for USA orders.

Those outside the United States MUST contact the Administrator (below) for postal rates prior to placing the order.

Use the button below if you live in the United States. If you wish to order multiple plates, you can add multiple items before you check out through Pay Pal.

Provide alternates in case something you order is sold out. There are three extra lines in each order box. Order will be filled from top to bottom; the last three items will be treated as alternates.

Plate Number and Availability

MUIA Plate Pricing
Please list the MUIA Plate #

Alternatively, you may send plate orders to:

Company of Military Historians
PO Box 910
Rutland MA 01543-0910
cmhhq @ aol.com