December 2019 Meeting
Minutes of the Jefferson Barracks Chapter of the Company of Military Historians, December 2, 2019
The Jefferson Barracks Chapter of the Company of Military Historians was called to order by President Paul Rosewitz at 6:00 p.m. on December 2, 2019, in the party room of C.J. Muggs restaurant 101 W. Lockwood, Webster Groves, MO.
The following members were present: Paul Rosewitz. President; Randy Baehr, vice president; Pat Baehr, secretary; Ed Eller, Barb Eller, Maggie Grothe, Doug Harding, Charles Hoskins, Sumner Hunnewell, Bill Seibert, and six guests.
Paul welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Paul then presented awards of appreciation to Randy and Pat Baehr for their service as Vice President and Secretary Treasurer respectively. The Members of the Jefferson Barracks Chapter thanked them.
Paul then announced that since Randy and Pat are not continuing on as Vice President and secretary treasurer those two offices are now open. Nominations were taken. Doug Harding was nominated as Vice President. It was suggested that if we changed the day of our meeting so that it did not conflict with the meeting of the Grant camp SUV that more people might be able to come to meetings and even join with us. One of them might even be willing to take on the office of secretary treasurer.
Following a brief discussion, Pat Baehr moved and Charles Hoskins seconded a motion that we move our meetings to the first Monday of the month from the 2nd Monday of the month. The motion passed. Paul will talk with Mr. Hoff at Jefferson Barracks to work this out.
Randy moved that we elect Paul Rosewitz as our chapter President and Doug Harding as our chapter Vice President for the next two years. The motion passed. The office of secretary treasurer remains open at this time.
The formal business meeting adjourned and we proceeded with the dinner party portion of the evening.
Respectfully submitted,
Pat Baehr
Secretary Jefferson Barracks Chapter, The Company of Military Historians