President – Job Description
Selection Criteria: As established by By-Laws, Article Three, Section 2, the President shall be elected by the Board of Governors to serve three years.
- Preside at all Board of Governor meetings, using Roberts Rules of Order as a standard. The President may appoint, at his discretion and to serve at the pleasure of the President, a Parliamentarian whose sole job will be to have knowledge of Roberts Rules of Order and, as such, advise the President and Board of Governors of such rules during meetings of the Board.
- In the absence of the Secretary, appoint an acting recording secretary for any Board of Governors meetings.
- Provide direction and supervision to all officers of the Company. Insure the actions of officers do not conflict with the By-Laws or the dictates of the Board. In this “watch dog” function the President represents all members of the Company and especially the Board of Governors, and the President must not hesitate to report all inappropriate actions.
- Preside at the Annual Meeting and Company banquet.
- Chair and be a voting member of the Executive Committee and determine when that committee shall meet and what business shall be brought before it. The Executive Committee shall consist of the Vice Presidents, the Treasurer, the Administrator, and the President.
- Provide a report at each Board of Governors meeting regarding actions of the Executive Committee and affairs of the Company. Make recommendations to the Board of Governors regarding Executive Committee follow-up actions.
- Answer letters received from members or referred to the President by the Administrator or other officers. Maintain files of such correspondence and other Company records and turn these files over to the Administrator at regular intervals, but, as a minimum, within 2 months of completing office.
- Appoint committee chairs and members, subject to approval of a majority of the Board of Governors.
- Provide reports to the Governors between their meetings concerning any pressing, important, or extraordinary matters, or at the request of a majority of the Board of Governors.
- Provide a report to the Board of Governors within 3 weeks of annual election results.
- Serve as financial watchman for the Company. Issues and reports of the Treasurer will be sought and considered while performing this role. Should the Company appear to not be financially solvent, the president shall notify the Board of Governors immediately.
- Conduct fund raising and work to obtain donations to support the Company.
- Meet periodically with area chapters, when possible. If this is not possible, the President should make every effort to meet with area chapter officers during visits to these areas.
- Work with the Chairman the Awards Committee as the committee prepares the citations to be read at the annual dinner.
- Send letters of congratulations to newly elected Fellows.
- Serve as spokesman for the Governors when any member is terminated for cause.
- Serve as spokesman for the Governors when any member is reprimanded for actions not in the best interest of the Company.
- Maintain records of actions taken under items 15 and 16 and file them with other records noted in item 7.
- Make reports to the general membership at each annual meeting and, when appropriate, in the Journal or Newsletter.
- Develop concepts for new activities and submit same to the Governors for approval.
- Oversee all awards committees.
- Establish committees to review draft works submitted for possible Company sponsorship and see that reports recommending for or against sponsorship are written and forwarded to the Board of Governors or the Executive Committee for approval in a timely manner.
- In the event that the Administrator is unable to perform his duties, and until such time as the Administrator can resume his duties or is replaced by the Board of Governors, oversee the performance of the duties of the Administrator. This may be accomplished by delegating certain of these functions to other members of the Executive Committee.
- At the time of assuming office, the President will receive keys to the Company’s HQS address and Post Office Box and in the event that the Administrator is unable to perform his duties, will travel to these locations to assure continuity.
The president should be prepared to spend a minimum of 5 hours per week on this position, as well as attend/participate in all scheduled Board of Governor’s Meetings at his/her own expense.
I fully understand and accept the responsibilities of this position.
Signed: __________________________________________